Gratitude & Success Stories

Netty is a fire starter, she is relentless in her forward momentum,
 she is incredibly dedicated, committed and a loyal person and these qualities about her comes to light in her business for her own advancement and for the purposes of helping others she works with too.  

-Kendall Summerhawk

Valerie Kudjoe 

My Amazing VIP Day!
Wealth & Worth Mastery - Valerie Kudjoe

 What problem or challenges were you facing prior to our coaching together and  what did you want to achieve that you were excited to get coaching on?
Wow!! There are not many people or events that leave me speechless but my VIP Day with the amazing Netty has really made a major effect on me! It was absolutely phenomenal! It was actually like an intensive workout, but of the mind and spirit instead of the body.

During our coaching together what did you find most valuable?
I was stretched, pulled, manipulated (the word chiropractors use when they "crunch" and crack your bones to get your body back into alignment) and you don't realise how far out of alignment you are until the practitioner puts it all back in place.

Tell me about the successes you have already celebrated or already achieved since our coaching together.
The only thing Netty didn't do, was warn me to fasten my seat belt before take off! I'm sure she asked God to increase my cognitive ability and my intellectual capacity and that I would enlarge the place of my tent, stretch out the curtains of my dwellings, lengthen my cords and strengthen my stakes, because I did not know I had capacity to receive so much in such a short space of time!

What is a piece of advice or wisdom you want to share with someone who is thinking about coaching with me? 
I feel like I need a while now to savour the feeling of realignment and get used to walking in my new Kingdom identity.  Thank you Netty Bryan. You are a gift indeed and I'm blessed and privileged to have received from God's finest. 👍🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾💃🏾💖

Cheryl Hawkins

How to Charge What You're Worth and Get it!- 

 What problem or challenges were you facing prior to connecting with our programs, training and coaching service?
I just want want to say a public thank you to Netty Bryan, who did a series of coaching webinars, she talked a lot about how we undervalue ourselves and about charging what we are worth.  

During the coaching webinars what did you find most valuable?
The teaching and coaching you gave on the webinar because it literally changed my business overnight.  

Tell me about the successes you have already celebrated or already achieved as a result of the coach training webinars?

I am now charging the proper price for my mental health training and I've gone from thinking I will never make money from this to making enough that my husband can finally take some time off working so hard.  

What is a piece of advice or wisdom you want to share with someone who is thinking about coaching with me?
This has been such a huge blessing to our family. So thank you Netty for showing me what I'm worth.

"My promise to you is... I will coach you and care for you...I will hold you as powerful and to your highest no matter what - Netty Bryan

                                     Donna Cole

Ruby VIP Business & Money Mindset  Coaching

Iv'e Grow my confidence, Created my expert signature system.
I've increasing my reach, Ive signed on 2 new clients into my program, and I'm now charging what I'm really worth.
I'm helping more people grow their relationship with God which is what I love.  Thank you Netty.

Alicia Stevenson 

Business  Clarity Coaching

What problem or challenges were you facing prior to our coaching together and  what did you want to achieve that you were excited to get coaching on?
Today was the best day of my life. Why? Because I received ground breaking revelation from Coach Netty Bryan regarding my entire coaching career. I was frustrated because I could not understand how to obtain my ideal client and get paid for it.

 During our coaching together what did you find most valuable?
After speaking with coach Netty, I realised that I could shed the limiting beliefs regarding payments! I learned that my services are valuable and I should be PAID for the content and material I share.

Tell me about the successes you have already celebrated or already achieved since our coaching together.
Now I have been motivated through her coaching to take charge of my career. Because of her I will be taking my first BIG step to create my very first MASTERCLASS!! And I know she will make sure I follow through.

What is a piece of advice or wisdom you want to share with someone who is thinking about coaching with me?

 So what are you waiting for? If you are looking to accelerate in your coaching career, be paid what you are worth, and book your ideal client, Netty Bryan will help you get the job done. Don't wait. CALL NOW!!

Sarah  McGirr

Business Clarity Coaching  

What problem or challenges were you facing prior to our coaching together and  what did you want to achieve that you were excited to get coaching on?
 Netty recently coached me through a breakthrough that really will move my business forward. 
I probably would have got there in the end, but connecting with her always feels like I have just put my foot on the accelerator with a huge dose of clarity in the mix too. 

During our coaching together what did you find most valuable?
Netty is a master at tuning in and seeing the next step to take with such clarity.  

What is a piece of advice or wisdom you want to share with someone who is thinking about coaching with me?
Ladies, if any of you are on the fence about signing up for one of Coach Netty's packages or even connecting with her for a clarity call about taking the next step in your business, just do it - and you'll be so glad you did!

 Bree Addison

 Money Mindset Coaching

What problem or challenges were you facing prior to our coaching together and  what did you want to achieve that you were excited to get coaching on?
I just wanted to say, I have been working with the amazing Netty Bryan for a few weeks now, working through some money mindset work.

During our coaching together what did you find most valuable?
Netty's  got such powerful and transformational money mindset exercises that really have helped me to see the value of what I offer.

Tell me about the successes you have already celebrated or already achieved since our coaching together.
I can now also see the big picture that I'm working towards over the next few years.  It was definitely a divine connection the way we connected and I'm grateful for the breakthroughs I've had while working with you.

What is a piece of advice or wisdom you want to share with someone who is thinking about coaching with me?  
I want to thank Netty! She really is brilliant and incredibly anointed at what she does!

My dream is to assist you and show you the way to time and money freedom by building a business around what you love and delivering your service offerings and consulting packages in a way that gives you and your clients even more choice and freedom. -Netty Bryan

The Money Mindset Mastery Coaching has been an absolute dream, Netty took me through step by step and she helped me clarify lots of thoughts that I had and she helped me to completely blow all the cobwebs away that I had about money and all the rest of the concerns I have about my procrastination.

When I first came into it I was feeling quite low and the work that I do was really getting me down, it was hard work. But Netty breathes passion into everything that she does, and at the end of the coaching session I have got this fantastic mantra! and it’s going on my wall and I’m going to read it every morning and night, and I have absolutely every confidence that if you are thinking of doing this coaching it’s a must, you must do it!."

Julie Rowston


We've had an amazing experience with Jade and her team.. We had major struggles in our conversion rates and course setup but Jade helped us eliminate these challenges. She guided us through every step of the way, making sure that the right strategies were in place. Her work really changed our business and our monthly income. Now, we are getting consistent clients a month without having to worry about where to find the next.

Marva Johnson Jones


Just finished a session with my amazing coach, PowerUp Coaching Queen Netty B, and feeling excited 🎊 about my next program! Watch the space entrepreneurs, I will be serving you and your children at the highest level. Thank you so much Netty for bringing light to my ideas.

Beatrice Yakubu


From the first time I was introduced to Netty we connected. Not only has Netty played an integral role in the development of my new business, she has also coached me for public speaking and assisted me in crafting my talk, by giving me lots of practical tips and insight on how to best connect with my audience as well teaching me to create my Expert Signature System® and showed me how to package my offer of my service. Additionally, I received great tips on how to write my discovery session outline, as a new coach myself, I found her mentorship invaluable. In my opinion, no task is too great for Netty and I would recommended her in a heartbeat.

Galia Yakimova


I just wanted to share my excitement today🤗 I love how my expert signature system is coming along!!! It’s so helpful to have Netty’s expertise with building this. Just looking at my outline makes me so happy to see the progress that I’ve been longing for forever... BIG thank you to Netty you rock!!!!

Angela Wright


Every moment of the session was appreciated and received with complete gratitude. Netty B worked both closely and intensely with me; I felt like I was genuinely working WITH and alongside a partner, with love for the outcome in heart. As the session progressed we began to synchronise in thought and ideas. Netty's passion and dedication is evident in her coaching delivery and I look forward to the journey ahead.

Simon Newton

The power up coaching session with Netty Bryan was empowering spiritually and mentally she provided strategies, guidance and practical advice that can be applied immediately. Thank you so much.

Michelle Muhammad

"Motivation to succeed in life cost you nothing but a decision, procrastination will cost you everything- Netty Bryan

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